It's a great game if you want it for achievement points. Online is kind of the same, only thing you're facing a human.
User Rating: 8.1 | Fight Night Round 3 X360
Well it a while for me how to do the haymaker, but that was only because my cousin kept on hogging th 360 so i didn't have the time to learn. The it took a while for me to learn how to pucnh the dummy.By myslef it took me about 45 minutes to learn everything. It's a game to borrow not buy unless you're just coollecting games. Online the game is alright, it's just liike fighting the computer on hard. They're is like 8 easy achievements and it all adds up to a quick 1000 points. This is a good game for multiplayer aswell, other than that there is nothing much to the game except good gameplay, great graphics and almost perfect sound.