Never played the ones before, but this game is great!

User Rating: 9 | Fight Night Round 3 PS3
Let me start off by saying that this game is a lot of fun. You can hop in immediately into the action or you can go into career mode. In career mode you can build your own boxer off of templates or you can rebuild the career of a real boxer. In career mode, you play various training games to build up your skills in between fights. You have th option to scout out your opponent before the match so you can figure out what to work on in the gym. Ok , so this game can be very easy or frustrating in the ring. You can lean and block using the left analog stick and the R1 button. If you lean away from the punches, you can effectively counter your opponents punches. You can also lean and dodge if your opponent is aggressive to tire them out and then counter them when their punches are slower and weaker. This is a very effective method if you have good stamina. It almost makes the game too easy because with a balanced fighter you can tire out the heavyweights and go in and clobber the lightweights. It all depends on what you concentrate on in the gym. As I said, if you are good at the training games and can maximize the benefits of training, you can have high stats all around and own every opponent easily. Overall, I would definitely recommend this game, especially now that it is a greatest hit and is cheaper as a result. If you want a real challenge, pick up Round 4, which is a much more challenging game.