Great Game,I love The Replay Feature Than Can Give You The Ability To See In 1000 Frame/Sec Camera Like.
we shall review to see what i mean.
first of all it is absolutely uncomparable to the ones made for PS1 and even PS2,since i have played all of them,im gonna explain what i mean.
you see fight night used to have a different name when it was on ps1 it was called knock out kings and since then you just cant compare fight night round 4 to any of its kind.
as always you can create your characters as detailed as possible and you can choose his styles and some you continue your career in boxing you get upgrade points and you can upgrade your character,and you even unlock different tools and goodies to put on your character,the most important element for me in this game was the great details on characters and the way that it has been built you can see vains, muscles and even sweat on the characters,and the details on them issues are amazingly good,
other feature i really liked was the ability to take a look at the replays in maybe 1000 frame per/second that is amazing,you can slow down the replay and just look at the great details on every muscle n characters.there are a lot of characters to choose from in boxing,from Muhammad Ali to Joe Fraiser,and Mike Tyson and so on,If you are really a boxing fan and enjoy it alot,You just have to buy this game.the commentator is really great when it explains the different situations that you are in.and the knock out are really awsome too.I believe this game plays really well online.
all i can say about this game is just absolutely amazing.