This game gives you TWICE as much fun as Doom II - and would have been perfect, had one level not been broken.

User Rating: 9.1 | Final DOOM PC
If you played Doom II and thought it was too easy, welcome to heaven. Two new Doom games to play through, each as big as Doom II. If you do the maths, this game gives you TWICE as much fun as Doom II - and would have been perfect, had one level not been broken. As before with Doom and Doom II, there isn't much in the way of a storyline. Demons from Hell take over a UAC base and kill everyone. You get sent in alone, with a pistol, to take care of business. Plot writing for Doom games is obviously not id Software's strong point. As mentioned above, Final Doom consists of two new episodes: TNT Evilution, and The Plutonia Experiment. In terms of level design, TNT Evilution is fairly similar to Doom II. You go from a UAC base to the depths of Hell, increasing your arsenal along the way. One small problem lies within TNT Evilution - in Level 31, a keycard is missing. It's simply not possible to finish the game without some sort of patch, or resorting to the IDCLIP cheat. By id Software's standards, this is a colossal and baffling oversight. The Plutonia Experiment is something else entirely. Rather than start off easy and gradually crank up the difficulty over the course of its 32 levels, it chooses instead to throw Arch Viles, Revenants and Mancubus (Mancubi??) at you from the get-go. Doom newcomers need not apply. And the bonus levels are, as id claims, the hardest Doom levels ever. Eight Cyberdemons at once, anyone? If not for the glaring level bug in TNT, and the fact that the Plutonia levels are so hard, Final Doom would have been perfect. But the level bug can be fixed with a patch, and you can always use "IDDQD" for Plutonia. Final Doom is an excellent finale to possibly the greatest game of all time.