its a decent strategy defense game kinda like defense grid and that new south park game
the basic jist of the game play is that you build floors each having different abilities some have traps, some cut damage you recieve in half ect. but it will limit the amount of monsters you can place on it depending on which one you choose. the cut damage floor for example only lets you place 2 monsters. while the trap floor allows you to place 3. they give you the option to whether you want to build 5 floors or less and spend it on monsters. my personal favorite was the scorpion like monsters. they do quite a bit of damage compared to the goblin like ones. the first monsters you fight are level one grunts who are easy to defeat. the level 2 grunts are as well since they don't really do much damage and you can easily overwhelm them. the mages are quite harder since they attack all 3 of your monsters at once. but with scorpions their easy to beat. if 2 monsters come at the same time or one comes while another one is still alive the second one automatically gets to go to the next floor which is kinda annoying. i think they should of had it they up to 3 enemies can be on one floor. well whatever. anyway when an enemy shows up they stay on that floor until either all your monsters are gone or their time runs out and they get to go to the next floor. usually they never make it to the 3rd floor though unless they come in pairs.
the first boss you fight is called chime i think? anyway she's killer and easily blows through your floors and is honestly the only tough opponent you'll face early on. her annoyingly high attack plus her ability to cast slow on your monsters makes it easy for her to get through floors. luckily if you've filled all 5 floors with 3 monsters each you'll just barely win. after you've beaten her she says she'll be back.
overall the game is a decent defense strat game and its worth the wii points unlike most of the shovelware crap they have.