FF CC Ring of Fates, this game is a black hole on Final Fantansy franchise
On my case I love play RPG, but I am not a fan of Final Fantasy, but there are some FF games that are a piece of art for Example
This games a re excellent I spent hours and hours playing that games because a not only a excellent FF games, are excellent RPG that every gamer needto play.
For that reason this game really disappointing me because the story is very very very for children the enemies are weak, and the main character is a Child, after all of this on the main game there is no summoner, you can't summon Ifrit, Shiva your GF are erased of this game, like the white magician.
Buy this game is not the best idea, fan or not first rent this game.
On the good things that this game have are the new combat system, is really nice but it require to be improved, because the character that you don use dont have any intelligence, for that I thing if you have the option of config the battle system (offensive, defensive, physical, magic, others) the game will be better.
Thanks for your attention.