Not for solitary gamers, as I unfortunately found out.
If you want a fun multiplayer adventure, I could see how this game could be for you, but even the multiplayer isn't that great of any idea. The game is repetitive, the storyline nearly non-existant, and the attack strategy, well stupid at points.
After your fifth year or so, playing the same level with minimal increased difficulty is annoying and unsatisfying. There are a wide variety of monsters, but barely any variety into the type of moves and abilities for your characters to use. While the concept of writing letters home is interesting, it's not used well enough to make any difference in your gameplay.
As to a storyline, there basically is none, or none that I saw when I finally stopped playing it. You play the game out with random encounters alone the path, which show cutscenes of events that happen to your party during the game. The whole "black knight" thing is confusing and not interesting, a good storyline would make you feel even the slightest emotion for these characters, which this game does not.
The attack strategy makes me laugh. Basically you can attack, defend, use spells, or use items. You scroll through these options using the L and R buttons. The defense move doesn't even deserve a spot, you will use it next to never, it's more worth taking the hits and healing yourself later than wasting time moving back and forth between attacking and defending. There are so few spell options in reality and the ability to make good spells so rare that I'd rather just use basic attacks, and casting the spell takes too long for a single player if not using the specialty class for spellcasting, that beaky looking tall race.
The game does have some redeeming qualitites. The graphics are good, definitely in the top of what I've seen on the console. When the cutscenes aren't repetitive, watching them is fun, because of the detail that went into making them. I can't grade the sound since I don't remmber much of it, though I do remember thinking it was good, so I'll tilt it for that. The option of using more than just one race is good, and it's a good idea for multiplayers who want to be able to use characters for different purposes, like one heavy hitter, a magic caster, a speedy fighter, and etc. I'm also glad they gave you some custimation in being able to name and choose the style for your character. Sadly, the only thing the rounded race is good for I think is carrying the orb that must accompany the party at all times, and it gets annoying to have to stay in a tiny little area to do your fighting. Also, in single player, the moogle is frustrating to deal with, it always seems to be too tired to be of any service to me.
If you want a multiplayer game, Crystal Chronicles isn't a bad choice. But if you will never find a person to play with, don't buy this game. As for my copy, I thnk Ebay is a callin.