unfortunately not everyone enjoyed this game as much as i did...
Then i came to gamespot to confirm that i was right, but instead i was dissapointed again at the bad reviews it got. But of course i still had hope in the game and asked my cousin what he thought of the game; luckily, he liked playing it almost as much as i did but said he didn't like the graphics.
You see, writing this review is hard because there are so many mixed reactions, people will be telling you lots of different things about whether you should buy it or not. If you want to play it by yourself it becomes an average everyday game. However, if you have the equipment and a couple of friends to play it with then it brings a new style of gaming and you will have fun.
FF:CC is great with several players because the game lets you develop your character in a way that is specific to you, in other words, you get a "job" within the group and your friends will rely on you more during th game. which is what the developers wanted because they're incorporating the idea of teamwork.
the game see's new area's constantly opening up and old ones temporarily closing down, so the game shouldn't get boring too fast. "Shouldn't" is wrongly used here, because the less patient gamers out there may not get what they are looking for when they think they're doing the same thing over and over again.
Overall; the game has a lot of very good idea's but forgot to add a bit more variety to the levels because finishing the game can be a labor. If you have a few friends, some spare time then i would think this game is for you. If you're looking for high action, blood and gore, then look somewhere else.