I love this game...

User Rating: 9.1 | Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (w/Game Boy Advance cable) GC
This is a really good game, good controls awsome graphics...really good music..nice and calm what i also like is how well they put the maps together and also a grait multyplayer with friends..if your going to get this game i suggest you play it with friends it's much more fun and easier..trust me don't play this game alone..sure it's easy at first and you all like...i can beat this game!! No prob!!!! heheh...well...YOUR WRONG!!! after about thr 5th year things start heating up as boss battles become faster and and harder what i aslo enjoy is you can pick your family such as...

and tons more, after all that if your up for a good adventure...i suggest you get this game Good luck on the adventure for the crystal cronicals!! ^-^