The final Fantasy chocobo stars right on ds
Review: This Game buys a classic of video game minigames with a twicth of stradegy and amazing rpg like sequence that are sure to burst when you start playing it because untill i got to the battlle point ill admit it was boring but i ended up liking the whole thing.
Rpg sequence- there rpg like sequence is very stragetic if you pick the wrong attack type it might not be good but you still have defense so be careful. The rpg makes it intresting in battle and youll be able to get many different cards score- 10
Graphics- the graohics of course wont be good its a ds graphics dont really help although in this case they try to make it better than usal ds games so i give it a Score- 7
story sequenece- The story behind it could have started out better but it ended up better it has a good series of events leading you to your main part so i give it a Score- 8
Overall i give this a total- an 8.5 its mid easy for a regular person but a little harder for a younger child which will keep you busy so this game has all the impacts and techniques to be a overwhelming ds Final Fantasy game