FFI&II on the go can't be beat, but it does have some problems.

User Rating: 7 | Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls GBA
A quick review... Dawn of Souls is basically Final Fantasy Origins (PS) on GBA. Which is nice, having these classics on the go is definently a plus. There's even some MORE extras that were added since.

For both games, the graphics and music are updated from the NES version, which is very nice. Characters and enemies can have long names now... it makes the games feel more complete. The translation is good, and contains many references to previous (later?) FF games. The gameplay stands the test of time, to be sure, and there's nothing like stomping around in dungeons and looting treasure.

The games do have problems, though. First of all, the ports aren't entirely faithful to the originals. The difficulty has been decreased SUBSTANCIALLY, to the point of it being a cakewalk. A lot of names have been changed. Characters in FF no longer memorize spells, they use MP. The added dungeons are nice, but they do not provide the extra challenge the games need. Conversely, they only serve to break it by giving you godly items that weren't in the original. The minigames that give you free items whenever you want are a clever idea, but to me they are boring and feel like cheating. Though none of these things alone break the game... I was kindof hoping for a "faithful" port. In FF Origins, you had the option to play in "original" difficulty mode, and turn off the extra features. Not so here.

The Verdict:

RPG fans looking for something to play on the go should consider picking up this package. It's only $10 now, and there are few better RPG series than Final Fantasy. Those who fondly remember the orginal will probably be simultaneously delighted and disappointed with the extras, as they remove any sort of challenge from the games. Other players looking for a good RPG could pick this one up... but just be warned that these games are quite old, and lack the complex strategy and storytelling of later games (though FFII does have a little). Though I LOVE Final Fantasy... I must say there are better carts to sate your RPG hunger than this, namely FFIV, Golden Sun, Fire Emblem and Tactics Ogre.

+Two Final Fantasy games on one cart... cheap!
+Shiny new graphics
+New dungeons
-Not "faithful" to original NES games
-Way too easy
-Music is kinda "bleh" now (I would have preferred the NES music)