Though the games are old they're just as addicting as they were when they first came out.
Now that that's out of the way now's the important part, how does it play? Well, the answer to that is simple, marvelously. Yes, I realize that a game this old must have seriously outdated gameplay, but that didn't bother me. I found the gameplay fun in both games. Final Fantasy !'s gameplay may have been a tad bit underwhelming but for a handheld game it wasn't to bad. Yes, it's possible to just sit through most of the battles mashing the "A" button to get through everything with no problem but if your looking for a better challenge you will need to put some more thought into it(more on that later). Overall the battle system in Final Fantasy I while slightly outdated is still quite fun. The only complaints that can be made about the gameplay is the abundant amount of random battles and the fact that the game seems to have been made a bit easier, but nothing to big that hurts this game a lot.
Final Fantasy Ii's gameplay is just as good, if not better. Yes, once again you can blaze through a lot of the game by just pushing the "A" button everytime you get into a battle, but it's smarter to pay more attention to what your doing in Final Fantasy Ii due to it's character upgrading system. As you battle you have different areas of expertise that go up depending on how you battle. For instance if you use a lot of physical attacks your physical attack strength will go up as will your weapon profficiency or if you use magic a lot your magic strength will go up. Not exactly rocket science, but a nice touch none the less.
Storywise Final Fantasy II is a bit more fleshed out then Final Fantasy I's bare bones story that doesn't really get to big on details. 'The graphics in the two games, while basic, have been cleaned up a bit and polished some so they don't seem as ancient. Now we come to another really bright spot of these games, the music. Yes, the music is still the same basic music but you can't help but love it. For a game of it's time the music was brilliant and really helps out the presentation of this game.
Now we get to the new features. Aside from the updated graphics and such we have some nice additions to the games. In Final Fantasy I there are four new dungeons that unlock as you progress through the game and that's where some of the extra challenge comes in. Yeah you can just wait until your farther along in the game to go through them, but I found it a nice challenge to go through them and beat them not to long after you unlocked them. It provided more challenge and some fun though it probably made some of the main story a bit easier because of the different things(such as weapons, armor, and items) that you get in them. Final Fantasy II on the other hand adds an extra storyline to the end of the game that unlocks after you beat the main game and involves some of the characters that died throughout the adventure but now they're in the after life. The final thing that was added to the games is a bestiary that catalogs all of the monsters that you meet during your adventure.
So in the end even though the games are somewhat outdated they provide a lot of fun and are a good way to get some old school gaming on the go. I would recommend anyone who likes RPGs and FF to either buy this game or at least check it out if you haven't played them before.