Raw and kicking for first-time players...
When I started to play the game, I realized that the gameplay is quite different from the usual experience-based role playing games (Jeanne D'Arc for example). Instead, we get to improve on various skills (weapons, spells) by using them more often. Furthermore, to acquire higher HP, it is imperative to receive damage from your enemies first. Adjusting to this style of gameplay, I admit that I occasionally albeit rarely get frustrated when all I need to do is receive damage, level-up my HP, heal (which costs money if you stay at the inn, or buy potions), and the cycle repeats itself as you face more enemies. Nevertheless, it is a difference, and it is hardly a problem to me.
Storyline-wise, being a newbie to this game for the matter, I find that it is intriguing. In order to obtain items such as the Goddess' Bell and Mythril to name but a few, we have to first go to several places on the world map, asking around the NPC's for directions and hints, and battling off enemies and bosses, before you finally get your hands on the aformentioned items. At such, it is not the typical "Go to this place, kill off all your enemies and get your things there" approach, which I enjoy, although it takes quite a while to lay your fingers on all the items you need.
There are many characters to this story, and I simply love all their backgrounds. Josef for one, fights barehanded at best whereas others use swords, bows, staffs, etc. to full advantage; something which adds variety to the game.
The graphics blew me away during the beginning of the game. The colour resolutions are simply superb. Throughout the game, I find the graphics representation adequate.
Completely raw to the game, I find that Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition is worth the money. However, some of my friends who played the previous Final Fantasy games before agreed that there was little worth investing money on this game if you have had experience with the previous installments before. But hey, I am new to this game, and all I can say is, it is worth the money for newbies like me!