A great RPG which compliments and improves on many of the originals gameplay and mechanics.
Gameplay mechanics are very much the same but add some new features. It is still that turn based fighting style that we know and love but add's a depth of strategy to it like the updated job system at first your characters start off as the freelancer class but as you discover the crystals you earn new job classes like Black Mage, White Mage, Warrior, Thief etc...
And also a great new feature the biggest far is the 3D battles and world it looks marvelous pulling of mega flare and watching it come to life in 3D it is just amazing.
The DS functioning with the game is really underwhelming all you can use the stiles for is to walk around and talk to people and if you like it this way you can choose your attacks with it but you will usually just put your stiles aside and use the directional buttons and A and B buttons.
All in all Final Fantasy III is a great RPG and has enogh new features to playing this game over and over again.