I found FF3 to be well rounded RPG.

User Rating: 8.3 | Final Fantasy III DS
I found FF3 to be well rounded. The story feels a bit dated but works. Game play is good. I thought the Job system was fun although some jobs are not all that use full later in the game. Magic system is ok at first I didn't like how the spells had a certain level and then you can only cast a certain amount of times for each level. I was use to the whole MP system but the leveling system works after you get use to it I also found that it adds more strategy to the game and that’s not bad. I really like the attack or melee system. You can equip your characters with two weapons (one for each hand), or a shield and a weapon. This works really well seeing how as your characters level up they hit more times in one attack. Just as a note if you use the bow you need to have arrows in the other hand or your character will just hit the opponent doing little damage. As far as difficulty level I thought it was just right, it could be a little frustrating at times but not so much that I wanted to stop playing. The save system is works but I would love to do a regular save in towns or in caves and so on, not just on the map. You can do a what I would call a quick save but then the system turns off and when you turn it back on if you go to load instead of continue well your out of luck and back where you last made a regular save. This isn’t all that bad and I learned it the first time. The graphics in this game are great, they did a good job in making a 2D world 3D, as far as the DS goes I haven’t seen to many games that can compare except say for Metriod Prime Hunters. The sound is good as well form the classic FF music style to the spells.

There is a small Nintendo Wi-Fi part to the game where if you know some one who also has FF3 and you have his/her friend code you can send each other messages, keep doing this and you can unlock new Items. I don’t know anyone that dose so I can’t comment on how well it works.

Over I like this game a lot even though I haven’t played a FF game in quite sometime except for tactics on the GBA. This game reminded me of all of the good points of a traditional RPG or FF, while only reminding me a little about the bad ones. If you are a FF fan or just want to try a visually updated traditional RPG from the days of the Super Nintendo (even though this game didn’t make it to the US till now) I would encourage you to pick this one up.