Possibly the worst in the Final Fantasy series, although not necessarily a bad game.
User Rating: 6.5 | Final Fantasy III DS
This game confuses me. Its got a lot of potential for a great game, but it just doesn't come through. I tried really hard to like this game, it is Final Fantasy. I guess there had to be at least one disappointing game in the series. The sound effects are pretty decent, its typically what you would expect from a Final Fantasy game.The graphics are pretty good for a hand held game, and vastly improved from the original. It has some added cut scenes which are alright I guess. The combat is really boring and unbalanced. Granted, i usually love turn based combat, but this was just terrible. The difficulty curve is idiotic. You have to use potions to just to survive in the beginning area. Then, they tell you to go somewhere you figure that means you should be strong enough to handle. Well that's really not the case in this game. They tell me to go to the castle, so I go to the castle. I run into some creatures and try to fight them but low and behold they one shot me and all my party members! I was really looking forward to playing this game, and it had all the basics of what I expect from a Final Fantasy game, but it fell flat on its face after that.