FF 3 for the DS is a Marvel of a game
The Graphics is not something thr DS is renowned for, but guess what in this game you couldnt be bother with that as it does a great job rendering this little charming and endering characters. The colors are vibrant and the towns are varied. Although the pixels arent super detailed they convey to you life in the little characters that are present. The Attacks leave a little lacking, but are justifiable. The music is classic FF with the scores and undertones youll recognize especially the after battle win theme (cant get enough of that) The sound effects are meager. Dont expect any spoken dialouge here. Other than music there not too much to expect in this department.
The controls are simple and very useful and conform to both left handed and right handed player as a lot of DS games do. The stylus is brilliant as you point and tap what and where you want to go. You can even control wether the characters run or walk depending on how you point. The regular button respond in great fashion too and provide a great alternative to the stylus for when those times you hands get a cramp lol. The Menus are standard fair as you navigate with ease to equip, change jobs, and the rest of the norm.
The Story is a remake, but is still great to see relieved on the DS. The four warriors of light are selected to save a doomed world from the darkness that looms over the horizion. The story picks up quickly and just snowballs from there. Its is quite fast paced as you move from one town to the next tackling problems and finding gems. Its almost as if you are living from one task to the next. Everything happens so fast. Job building and level upgrading are done effortlessly. The Job classes are quite enjoyable, too. Thier not as uniquely done as in FFX-2 but they are classic and true to form.
The Replay on many RPG's are high so its no suprise with this one as you can focus on the different jobs each time through. Id say my only beef is with the only four characters and only one of them being female. I love Female game characters as they add spice and humor to a lot of situations. All in all this is another great DS game and IMO is the second best handheld RPG behind Legend of Zelda. I recommend to anyone who has a DS and wants an great RPG to get this game. It was way better than FF 12 to me. PEACE and enjoy all!!