This is one of the best games I have played on the DS system!
User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy III DS
Where to start, well the graphics are just plain awesome for the DS i wasn't expecting something in 3-D like this. The music that goes along with is awesome as well although it can get pretty annoying if you just want to level up for awhile. The game play is great although when you just want to level it get very repetitive, but overall it is very good. Pretty much the value is great it is a game i would give to my kids when i had them. And the Wi-Fi conection is great . It's a good way to meet friends and have conversations with them except for the fact that it takes forever just to write a letter. Overall its great but instead of me going on and on and on i guess i'll just say go out and buy it if you like RPGs. I'm sure you'll love it.