By far the best game on the iPhone/iPod.
Graphics/Performance: Really great considering it's on your IP, and from what I can tell it looks better than the DS version. Load times are surprisingly quick, and my game never so much as lagged, let alone crashed. Character models repeat themselves once in a while, but not enough to seem cheap.
Gameplay: The job sytem really adds depth. There's like 20+ of them, each w/ their own strengths and weaknesses. Also, this isn't fruit ninja - this game can get difficult at times. It took me about 20 tries to kill the last boss. It isn't always obvious where you're going next or how you're getting there, so you may find yourself looking up a walkthrough online. Random encounters can get annoyingly frequent (to the point where you can't take 3 steps w/o fighting a group of mobs) but honestly you need that xp. Overall the gameplay is what makes this game.
The storyline is pretty generic, but not bad.
I hear a lot of people complaining about how if you die in a dungeon you have to start from your last save, and if this happens in a boss battle it may mean repeating hours of gameplay. Well HERE YOU GO: if your party dies or if the battle seems doomed and you want to start it over, simply hit the home button on your iPod before the battle is completely over and and it blacks you out. Go back into FFIII and click continue. You'll start back right before you encountered your last foe. This is an extremely important tactic.
Considering this game is more enjoyable than FFXIII and XIV combined, it's a breakthrough for IP apps and well worth the $15. I recommend it to any RPG fan looking for a real game on their iPhone/iPod.