Cecil on the Go!
This game is perfect for GBA. every little element of this game is nearly perfect on the little handheld that owns. The game is so amazing, let me tell you why
First off the gameplay is awsome. It has new features including new areas, weapons, items, and all the cools stuff. The game has addictive battles and a griping story line that sucks you in like a nerd on X Box Live. The gameplay is so smooth and fluid that it just feels like you are playing God in the form of a GBA game. The game has great gameplay with leveling up and gathering items and searching for battles and all that good stuff. The gameplay is perfect in every way
The story is perfect as well. To most people it seems like a basic tale of a knight rescuing some chick, but there is soooo much more involved in it. The story has love and romance. it has action and suspense. There are alliances and betrayals, kingdoms in warefare. a nobel king brainwash and corupted under the spell of an evil vilian. A best friend betraying his best friend. The characters are more than charcters. you grow attached to the characters just as you do in final fantasy VII. there are background stories to each charcter. Cecil is a dark knight who dosn't like being a dark knight. There is Kain who is Cecil's best friend. he has constantly lived in Cecils shadow and watched the love of his life, Rosa, get married to Celcil. He is later corupted by Golbez the main villain in this game. There is Rosa, Cecil's wife who is kindnaped by Golbez and Cecil. There is a Monk and a sage, and a bard. There are twins that are sorcerors. There is so much depth in this story that it is just behid FFVII's story.
The graphics are awazing SNES graphics suped up on the GBA. The characters have more detail on them. Plus the speach boxes have the character's face in em so thats cool. Other than that the grpahics are nice.
The music in this game is amazing. Nobuo Uematsu outdid himself in this game. Each character has his or her own little theme. The music in the cattles are realy catchy and nice. The beloved prelude is in the game and it is just as good as the NES versions of it. This game has OK sound FX's but the music is sooo good that it is perfect
The game overall is amazing nearly perfect.