Review: Final Fantasy 2
Final Fantasy 2 for the Super Nintendo is also known as Final Fantasy 4 since it is the 4th game in the series, but the name was changed since it was only the second Final Fantasy game released her in the United States
You are the Dark Knight Cecil, the commander of the imperial Air Force, and master of the Dark Sword, your past is dark and you inner pain is like none other has suffered, yet you still care for others but choose not to show it because you don't want them to suffer as you have, but is that about to change?
The graphics are top notch for an early SNES game, still the game looks good and has the all of the hallmark look and graphics that final fantasy fans come to expect from their Final Fantasy Games
Another excellent soundtrack from Nobuo Uematsu graces us from outset of this game and will keep you humming for hours; the sounds are generally good and well timed, though I would have liked more sounds I will let it slide seeing as this is only a early SNES game, and a huge step up from the earlier games on the NES.
If you have played a final fantasy game you have the general idea as to how to play this game, though this games magic system is more tailored around the magic system from the first 3 final fantasy games not like the more advanced systems you find in every final fantasy game after this one still the game is still as much fun as any game in the series.
The Design is as solid as one would expect from a Final Fantasy game, deep, well done, highly thought out, and in some cases very calculated. Though there are a lot of anime style cliches in this game, this game is highly enjoyable and one of Squaresoft's best.
If you have a SNES you owe it to play this game. But if you do not own a SNES you can get this as a part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles for the PS1 but the better version is on the SNES so if you can get your hands on it, do so.
Final Fantasy 2:
Classic Final Fantasy Game play
Great Soundtrack
Good Graphics
Many Anime Cliches
More sounds would have been nice