Another amazing Final Fantasy game. I loved it from beginning to end.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy IX PS
Everything about this game was great. In my opinion this game had great characters, story, msuic, and gameplay. But this game has some of the best things in the Final Fantasy series, and some of the worst things. I have played Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, X-2, and I have to say this game was one of the best story lines of any of those games. I really got sucked into the game for the story, and found myself playing it for hours just to find out what would happen next. Also the ability system was great to. It was nice choosing what abilites you wanted to learn. The active time battle is a great system to use too. You dont have to wait for everyone to take a turn. This battle system was so much better than VIII and X. Also the ability system was better than VIII's junctioning system. The only two things that weren't as good was the music and some of the characters. The music was definitely the worst in this game. It was bad, but it doesnt compare to VII, X, or it doesnt even come close to the series best music which was VIII. For the most part I liked the characters, but they could've definitely done without some of them. There wasnt any point to Quina being in the game. S/he had no point in the story and you meet her randomly and she joins your party just to find good food. Seriously?? They could've thought of something better. Freya, Stiener, and Amarant i found to be kinda boring characters. They were only meant for half the story. Zidane, Dagger, Eiko, and Vivi were excellent though. I really got attached to them. Especially Vivi, he was the coolest character in the game.
Overall though it may not be the best Final Fantasy game, that doesnt matter, its still a perfect 10 to me. I'll never forget the fun I had playing it.