the first final fantasy game i played, that instantly had me addicted.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy IX PS
the game's story initially involves a princess being kidnapped (quite willingly) by a band of thieves whose intention is to hold her ransom. however, things quickly go wrong for the band of thieves once the queen realises what is happening. you will quickly find yourself uncovering hidden truths about the the queen and her rule and find yourself involved in a deeply engrossing storyline.

every character feels unique and believable; each with distinct personalities and back story.

the story makes you want to keep playing, compelling and making you really care about the fate of the characters

in a single playthrough there is probably up to 80 hours of gameplay

lots of fun minigames, including a collectors card battling game which you can easily spend ages playing

beautiful FMV sequences that can soemtimes even bring a tear to your eye.


the first couple of hours does not see much engrossing action, as it is getting you used to the game mechanics


gameplay - 10
graphics - 9
soundtrack - 10
overall - 10