Not a classic, but not a bad game at all.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy IX PS
While Final Fantasy has a lot of memorable and influential games under its belt the ninth installment rather than set new standards or break new boundaries goes back to previous games for its inspiration. Going into the future was a hot topic for Final Fantasies of the past, while a few did wander in the medieval aspects of history though, IX takes the step into the past for this adventure. Right when you look at the cover art you realize this isn't going to deal with anything modern, considering there is a knight on the box, immediatly you think 1600's and such. While the game fits right along with the timeline its sort of set in it does give some leway for technological advancements to be exploited, the steam/mist engine is here, sort of early but who doesn't want an airship? You start on a theatre ship going to kidnap the princess, nice little Shakespeare addition for those who get it, which is odd for the series it plays into, since you're never the bad guy. Quite the contrary once you get around to the games actually plot and story, with the common additions of twists.
For the gameplay IX takes a step towards the smaller, in numbers that is. While VII and VIII were big number games, meaning HP & MP, IX will give you the feeling of the NES and SNES games. Starting you off on level 1 and having a max HP of no more than 5,000 will be hard for some to cope with, mainly the assurance of having 9,999 HP and 999 MP for a battle that only has you lose maybe 4,000 HP and use 600 MP (i.e. VII's final boss fights.) With the random battles still in tune IX steps up a notch with the system, allowing four characters to participate in battle at the same time, or for those who like to play an RPG with a friend you can now hook in a second controller and let the other person get some feel of the action. Having two people play on the same side isn't really a big leap for the series, but it does give the feel of companionship when your second controller is lying all by itself with your friend asleep on you bed from boredom because you play this game too damn long. Nice addition from Square, and its last for the series on the PS.
Final Fantasy IX came out realtively late in the age of the PS, so graphically you'd be expecting something better than VIII, you get that, sort of. The FMV's are more polished and clean with better lighting effects being used. Yet the real-time play you actually get is a little of the same as VIII.
This game is pretty short considering straight story, while immersive its only about twenty-five hours, if you spend time with just the story. But of course with the sidequests this game will jutt up to eighty hours, or 100 if you feel the need. If your a perfectionist you'll want to at least try to get the the last boss in at least thirteen hours, because you have a time limit of only twelve for one of the secrets that is laid in the final stretch of the game.
For those Final Fantasy fans who can't get enough, this game will suit them well, for the player who doesn't really know the series that well, I wouldn't advise playing this until they've played at least five of the first games.