Final Fantasy IX The Best Overshadowed Game

User Rating: 8.8 | Final Fantasy IX PS
The Final Fantasy crew has always had a vision for creating the next best game out there for us fantasy fans, but would they ever really realize what they got themselves into? Final Fantasy has done nothing but soar to the skies in creativity, innovation, and profits to say the least. And FFIX would end up being only a stepingstone for perhaps the start of the furure of FF games. FFIX starts out with a young character named Vivi, the spell caster of your [soon to be] party exploring Alexandria. Soon later, you and your gang, after changing characters, go in route to Alexandria to steal the princess and demand a randsomeunder the cover of a play entitled, "I want To Be Your Canary." But when the princess is willing to be taken and would rather leave then stay at the castle, Zidane, [you] is rather baffled. Continuing through the story, you meet Steiner, the powerhouse with the broadswords, who is forever hating Zidane, the theif of the group, for trying to take Garnet, the princess. Garnet ends up being a summoner and has the abilities to summon massive creatures, but she would not be the only onein the story able to do such incredible things, meet Eiko. Lives in the middle of nowhere, she joins the party, for her little reasons... cough cough. Sooner or later, you would meet Freya, master of the lance, Armarant, the tall, muscular, lazy, slugfest fighter. Quina, from the Marsh, drains abilities of others, probably best known as a copycat with a big appitite. Unknown to you the player, you find out a little bit about each character, and how they all have a past. Things during the game come back to you later in the game as a great story does. And come to find out, you learn a little bit about love, compassion, and devotion. Over all, this game was overlooked by FFX when announced that there would be no reading, but spoken words. It is an unfortunate thing that so many poeple missed out on such a graet game, perhaps the game that made the Final Fantasy Future. Overlooked by most, yes, but not by me.
"This is, the best game I have ever played."