Once agains Square proves that if Final Fantasy is in the title it's going to be engrossing, innovative and tons of fun.
User Rating: 8.9 | Final Fantasy IX PS
The last Final Fantasy title for PSone. The graphics are great, with a new almost cartoony yet quasi-real look to the characters and amazing visuals littered throughout the game. You learn abilities and spells from your equipment, making item collection about as important as materia collection in 7. The storyline is another satisfying and exciting Square masterpiece. In fact the only really bad thing about the game, you really never have to be involved in, one of the mini-games, the biggest mini-game... the card battle game. Square hit it on the nose in 8 but, in my opinion, screwed the pooch in this installment. Entirely too random and frustrating. But not a requirement. So in the end, Square sets the standard for the epic console rpg, again. Nobody does it better.