Final Fantasy IX is everything a RPG should be. My first review for the best Final Fantasy out there.
Final Fantasy IX is the best FF game out there, hands down. I know its been said a lot but FFIX is possibly the best RPG out there, totally underatted, especially by GS's review, and if you happen to try this game you'll seriously be hooked right away.
I got the game on my PSP (legally backed up) and started it...WHOA, first off the cut-scenes they looked like video, i didn't know that they could do that that long ago! then the first battle: again i was shocked, it was so simple yet so fun...i couldn't believe it, from then on i spent 5 hours finishing the disc and then spending another 20 hours finishing the game, i couldn't put down! Still i am spending time playing this lengendary game. Allright enough of my thoughts.
This is what we loved from other FF's and this is what you'll love about this game. From mini games (tetra master) to boss battles, from side quests ( chocobo hot and cold) to the main story ( which is a BLAST) you'll feel that the game is just perfect. The fighting is intense although turn based, you still need to think about it. Then scavengin the town opening chest .........its just everything a RPG should be
What is there to say about the sound? its immersive and its righ, drags you in and scares you away its great! only things is . is that it does get repetitive (a lthough it dosent shound it) and the game does lack voice overs but then again no other game back then did...
The Graphics are just perfect, i seriously didnt know they could do that back then, colorful beautiful just plain nice, the cutscenes are GREAT i yearn to watch them, i dont know just play the game and you wont believe it seriously the cutscenes just make the game worth it.
STORY - 100 (serious)
This is what Final fantasy's are made of - an immaginative and immersive storyline, it propels you to play. Final Fantasy is NO different if any better, from the moment youkidnap the princess i was just like "whats gonna happen next'"? that is what was so great and that was what made me play the game over and over again...its worth buying the game just to find out the storyline.
black mages, thefts, princess, Airships, Chocobos, Summoners, its So damn great. i never in my wildest dreams that these things would to comobine to make such a great game i mean moogles act to save but not only that you can talk to them, deliver their mail, use a tent and sometimes even buy things off them....the game is so innitiotive its amazing, npcs are great and everything is awesome i just cant descibe it.
every character is desgned brilliantly they feel so real they actaully feel like a friend,
the difficulty is right, the gameplay is perfect, the desing is better and the story iS EVEN better, never has a game done this to me - it just hooked me in and NEVER let go.
Overall the game is a Masterpiece, everything is perfect. end of story.
thanks for reading my first review!