The first good gameboy final fantasy legend!
Gameplay/Story: Legend 2 really starts to show you how the final fantasy series got to where it is today. The story is about a boy who has to find all 77 pieces of the Magi in order to basically save the world. Along the way, he finds out bits and pieces about his past and, unlike the first one, this game actually feels like it has a purpose. The characters aren't disposable like they were in the first game and they actually have backstories.
The gameplay is mostly the same turn-based system with attack, magic, item, defend system that it had before but with slightly better graphics. Also, the gameplay is much more directed and you won't be wandering around aimlessly forever trying to figure out what your supposed to do. This could be both a good thing and a bad thing. This also cuts out most of the exploration that the first game had plenty of. Here, it's really a matter of preference, but considering the hours of wandering the first game had, I'd say its a turn for the better.
Graphics: Like I said before, slightly better graphics but it's still game boy people. Don't be expecting any Final Fantasy X here.
Sound: Well... still bips and boops but there's a little more music-y feeling to it than the first game. Value: Well, overall, the game is a HUGE step up from the first one. However, it still has a ways to go. The game will last you a while and if your looking for a good gameboy RPG, this is the way to go. Unless you can get Legends III.