User Rating: 1 | Final Fantasy USA: Mystic Quest SNES
This game is an insult to American gamers. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest was a dumbied down RPG that Square thought would appeal to the lazier American gamer who doesn't want to level up a character or play through games as deep as their regular Final Fantasy games. The game was released between Final Fantasy IV (II in the US was also simplified/edited for religious content on the SNES) and Final Fantasy VI (III). The game hardly plays like a Final Fantasy game. The battles are shot from a behind the player angle and the simplistic plot and gameplay has a very simplified 4-crystal / realm story that goes almost nowhere with little-to-no sidequest adventures. I don't think there are any of the classic Final Fantasy references here, if memory serves. That means no Cid, no Chocobos, and no Cactuars. A really rotten game and you can find it for relatively cheap cost and in great supply on various websites. Stick to the main series and avoid this stinker at all costs. That being said, it is a simplified RPG, and if you can get over the fact that Square is basically saying that American gamers can't beat a REAL RPG, then you may enjoy it. But, don't expect anything special or typical of the other SNES RPGs. I was disappointed Square didn't release Final Fantasy V instead.