This was my very FIRST RPG!!! :)
First of all this game ha da good longetivity to it, of course theres probably(and is) better RPG games out there, however i still felt the game was very cool in the aspect of its weapons/magic/monsters.
The storyline true is very copied from the FF universe but in the end of the day i see this as another RPG.
Graphically its ok, the artwork of the monsters was sometimes good, sometimes retarded. For example i remember clearly one of the bone boss monsters having eyelashes....
Other than a few comedic flaws like that, there was some annoying dialogues that i feel was probably just translation issues, example: "Get away from her Dangerous" then later: "Hello, meet my friend DANGEROUS!" (my charcter's name was Martin e.g my name)
Though there was some satisfying noises in this game!!! Like whne you get a critical hit with your sword - SCWHING!(no not Austin Powers!) and then shooting an arrow (tuck-tuc-tuc-tuck!), Flare spell (kra-da-ba-boom)! seriously, they were satisfying sounds! ;D
Also a surprisngly diffuclt game too and very lengthy...enviroment wise its an ok game, nothing special but i liked probably the bosses more than anything since the bosses looked cool now and then, apart from the odd looking monster.
Good game for its time, i'm going to be of course extremely biased on this one since this was my first RPG ever so i have good memories from it, netherless i can say its not the best RPG ever made.