A great game and a great way to start learning about RPG's and FF's.
The bosses and creature ideas are great as they are all based on mythalogical creatures such as Cerberus, Pazuzu, Medusa and others. Final Fantasy likes to do this with their games and it works well because most of them are instantly recognisable.
I do like the graphics in this game as I believe they are better than most graphics used today. Alot of people will disagree with me on this, but I really don't like the new 'realistic' look of grpahics that they are trying to do on games. The traditional 16-bit to 32-bit graphics make the game look brighter and cleaner, even if they are supposed to be a bad guy and such.
The time spent playing can vary depending on whether you want to kill all the monsters and find or the treasures or not. I'd say an average amount of time spent playing it to complete it will be about 10 - 15 hours give or take an hour or two. The reason I put 100 or more hours spent playing the game to date, is because I love playing the game over and over again. The enemies, gameplay , characters and especially the music keep you coming back for more.