A good investment for a lengthy game.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire DS
Final Fantasy Tactic A2 is a shallow game, doesn't take much skill to beat this game but surely will take alot of researching and reading to master some of the tricks and combos that this game offers. FFTA2 holds 300 missions, however you only need to do 16 or so storyline mission to complete this game, the side mission, or quest, is to help you level your character, aquire new job, master skills etc.

The graphic is good. It definately use the DS to the fullest to provide us a extremely good game graphic. Animations are smooth and cutscene is fluent. Overall the display design is wonderful.

Sound quality is mostly recycled from FFTA and even FFT. The music fits in well in battle and cutscene but it is not epic. You will get use to the music because you will spend some much time either in battle, the pub, the shop, or the world map.

Gameplay haven't change, the law system is still here but with more meaner laws, some are really annoying and will make you pull your hair out. Antilaw is taken out so you can't disable the law or put up new law, in addition the enemy doesn't have to fall the law! The reason you are following the law is because the judge grants you a bonus to aid you in battle, example like power+ , exp bonus, ap bonus etc. Breaking the law will elimate your bonus and the ability to revive fallen members.

Some good things about the game is there are new jobs available with 2 new races, the seeq and gria. And the dispatch mission can not be taken as a normal quest. It is useful because you can do quest with exp or ap bonus, but doing dispatch is much quicker way to earn the reward.

Auction house is also an addition to this game, it is a mini game where you can bid to own lands and later, bid for rare and godly items.

The game will surely take you no longer than 40 hours if you just play through the story line and some quests for level, but to do all the quest you will need at least 100 hours +, and the unlockable character will their unique jobs will be available at end game or in your new game+.

Overall this game is a good buy and a good keeper.