This game is just plain good.

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire DS
While the storyline may not be as good as the first game, there are many changes, and add-ons that have created a very addictive sequel to what I considered, the best game for Game Boy Advance.

Add-ons - 2 new races plus new classes for each race
- much bigger map
- clan benefit at start at battle
- some new songs, but excellent sound quality

Positive Changes - The Bazaar (You now need to collect items to construct weapons at the Bazaar) I consider that a good change, since it will randomize the timing of when certain weapons become available.
- Everything (or so it appears so far) is more expensive. Buying things was way to easy, as in the original, I always had a stock of 99 phoenix downs and 37 dash boots.
- Dispatch missions are optional!
- Breaking the law gets rid of your ability to revive any downed teammates. This is a very good one I thought, as it provides the battle with a reason not to break the law.
- Laws are much better.
- Fairly awesome effect graphics

Negative Changes - Laws no longer affect everybody, only you, because the way the game works, the judge is there for you instead of making sure you obey the law. You now have to consider the judge as a safeguard from death.
- No jagds (At least so far, I could be wrong)
- It is more difficult to find new clanmates
- It takes awhile before you see really any new classes or races
- Practically no update to the sprites of characters in battle.
- Storyline was much better in FFTA1