FFTA laws was annoying, the laws in FFTA2 is just beyond annoying and nearly unavoidable. Can only name the main
Game play is decent, but seems like some stuff is just overpowering that you could just roll your face on the game boy and still dominate.
Just to much target every bad guy type moves.
No online vs mode.... very sad to hear it when PSP FFT has it.
Squaresoft left out a few to many things and screwed up some things to the point of wanting to not even play the game cause it messes up the challenge and rewards.
I don't think the game deserves higher then a 7.5
Well you can get a lot of fun out of it still, its not a total fail. Story mode and the OVERWHELMING amont of side quests you can do.
I havn't check online mode, only thing i read was trade items online Bazzar items which are like items for crafting and thats all... so that would be why i didn't care for online. So no trading characters.