Final Fatasy Tactics Advance 2, although with a few flaws, adds up to a fine sequel and a great game.

User Rating: 8.5 | Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Fuuketsu no Grimoire DS
In my opinion, this game is great! There are many items and classes, its a long game, and battles are great fun.
You also have the imaginative races of the FFTA series. You've got Humes, Bangaas, Moogles, Nu Mous, Seeqs, Vieras, and Grias WAIT A MINUTE. What is a Seeq and what is a Gria? Well they're the new classes. Seeqs are quick and can lay down traps, and Grias have brute strength and can fly. Unfortunately, only 4 classes can be used for these 2 new races, so they are a little lacking. However, all of the old classes are back and a few new ones for each race.
The presentation is very good. The visuals are great for a hand held game, and the sound is also great. The music is pretty awesome, not just a mess of DS music chaos.
The battles are fun and strategic, but if you aren't familiar with tactics games, it can be a little overwhelming and with a sub-par tutorial, its not easy to master all that fast, but there are a few non-quest battles dotted throughout, so you can sharpen your edges there. It works like this: you select 6 members of your staff (which I kind of wish was a greater number so that huge-scale battles could take place but it doesn't make it too bad) and put them on the field. You maneuver them about the field, using swords, bows, spells, etc. to take down all members of the opposing team, defend a certain CPU player, destroy a certain enemy, or in a speed battle, be the first team to kill the specified monster. They are great fun and end up with EXP and spoils. They are also quite long, this game's battles. Unless you are like me and really enjoy these games, you might get a little annoyed, and the spoils aren't always so great, but its made up for with fun gameplay, especially with another person.
Now the thing that people always say ruins this game: THE JUDGE SYSTEM. They put up laws that prevent you from doing something, like fire damage, swimming, harming female players, USING THE ATTACK BUTTON, MISSING, BEING NEXT TO A TEAMMATE.. so yes, they are kind of annoying, and there's no Jagds in this game or cards to prevent these, but the penalty is just that you can't revive dead teammates for that one battle and there is no Judge Item at the end of a battle, as well as nullifying you privilege, which is something like Power 1, Agility 2, which make your stats a little higher in one category for that battle. Its a great improvement over the jail and having to bail out your team members, yet it can still be annoying. You can get special clan privileges by doing special missions with 4 party members, whether it be defeat a monster in 4 rounds, or many other things. How do you do these? You spend clan points, which you get at the end of a battle.
As you can see, its a pretty big game with a large, lacking, but acceptable storyline with many lovable and hate-able characters. I'd recommend it to almost everyone familiar with the genre, but if you aren't, you may want to start elsewhere, but don't be scared away or intimidated, its a great game in my book.