The best game on GBA and one of my favorite games ever.

User Rating: 9.6 | Final Fantasy Tactics Advance GBA
Story: 10 A big difference from most RPG stories (which is good) with a big twist

Graphics: 9 Extremely good and would have got a 10 but the bangaa look a little blurry (I'm picky I know)

Sound: 10 The music has me dance every time I play (which is bad to other people because I can't dance to save my life). and the spell SE's are amazing

Controls: 10 Every thing is smooth and I like the bonus I get for hitting an enemy from behind.

Entertainment: 10 I have hidden this game from myself because I know that if I pick it up I will play it for a week non-stop.

Overall: 9.8 This game is so dam awesome that I got to go find where I hid it and play it. Bye...