The only NEW good RPG game the company gave Nintendo after joining Sony.

User Rating: 8.9 | Final Fantasy Tactics Advance GBA
At least this Final Fantasy game was better then the other RPG games Square Enix gave Nintendo after they decided not to put Final Fantasy 7 on the N64. How dare they go for the stupid and prettier PS one system. they should have helped Nintendo all the way.

Graphics are good in the game. Pretty good detail in the game. a little on the pixel side, but not too bad.

the sound is pretty good in the game the game. The music is pretty fine in the game. Gets a little repetative hearing some more then others.

the gameplay is one of the best parts. I had a lot of fun doing battles in the game. I liked it that you can mix classes in the game like having a character have both Black and White magic to damage and heal. The story is ok in the game. The story is easy to understand, wish there was more in it.

this game I would recommend to any RPG gamer and Final Fantasy fan.