Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the greatest strategy RPGs ever.
User Rating: 9.4 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
Final Fantasy Tactics shocked alot of people when it first came out... no one expected Final Fantasy to be turned into a strategy game. Also, nobody expected it to be so much fun. This game has so many things to do, and so much playability, that it is hard to believe people doubted it at first. The one thing about Final Fantasy Tactics that could turn people off are the graphics. It came out after Final Fantasy VII, but the graphics were done with sprites instead of 3D models like Final Fantasy VII had. This disappointed quite a few people, but I think it works well with the game. The graphics won't blow you away, but they are servicable. Some of the spells and summons have very nice effects. For example, the Ramuh summon spins around the map, while bolts of lightning strike down on the enemies. All in all, the graphics are nothing special. The music in this game is just beautiful. Final Fantasy Tactics has some of the best music I've ever heard in a video game. Its orchestrated wonderfully, and gives the game alot of character. There are not alot of songs, maybe 12 at most. The sound effects are also done well. The weapons sound like they should, and spell effects sound wonderful. Like I said in the first paragraph, there is so much to the gameplay. You can get up to 32 characters to join you (including a cameo apperance of a popular Final Fantasy character), and these characters consist of storyline characters, or characters you can hire at the soldier recruiting shop. Each character has access to many different job classes, and they can take skills from different job classes, and combine them to make many different combinations of characters. Basically, you can make your character exactly what you want to. You can even make a Black Mage who can wear armor, while using samurai sword skills. It is really amazing what you can do. The gameplay consists of maps with your characters, and the enemy characters. Depending on a characters speed, you can move them a certain amount of squares, and attack if you are in range of the enemy. This takes alot of strategy, and this is what makes Final Fantasy Tactics such an amazing game. It is so fun to do these strategy battles, I've spent countless hours leveling up my characters to obscene levels by doing battles over and over again. This game is so wonderfully made, I recommend everyone who has a PS1 or PS2 to pick up this game. You won't be disappointed!