Still the best Strategy-RPG on the Market.Only Arc the Lad II came near it.
+Best use of the Job-System
+Wonderful Soundtrack
+Random Enemys level up with you,Story Enemys don´t
+19 Jobs
+Perfect Mix of 2D and 3D Graphics
The Bad:
-Maybe a bit hard at the Beginning
-th Monk-Job is mayber a bit too strong
I just loooove this game!This is the first Strategy-RPG I have played seriously (exept Mysteria for the Saturn) and I must say it´s still the most motivating one.Till you got your whole team to the level you want and have the Job-Abilitys you want it takes more time then any other Game in this Genre.The funny thing about this is that it really never gets boring.
The Job points and Exp are seperated from each other.and if you beat an enemy or do something else like healing you get some.Through that even healing characters can build-up their skills without killing enemys.
The Random-enemys level up with you,so you can theoretically build up your whole skills at the beginning of the Game if you want to.The Storyline-Enemys stay the same so building up your level really makes sense.
And it keeps being perfectly balanced!
Through that the game still stays challenging to the end.Even after 60-80h.
A little tip for beginners:At the 3rd or 4th fight you encounter Black Mages the first time.Build up your skills a bit before.
The only thing that could be mentioned is that the Monk-Job is a bit strong.You can use it as a Sub-Job and you can Beat good enemys with a Summoner (who can learn Summons like Bahamut,Carbuncle or Leviathan) and build up the Skills faster then expected.Which is actually a good thing too,because some Jobs like Geomancer or Time Mage are pretty useless until you build up some skills.
WOW! I have given a 10!!!Don´t happen that often!
If you want to get into Strategy-RPGs,you´ve found the best one for it.All other Genre-Fans got it anyway till now and if not it´s more then time to get it.Even if you can´t stand Final Fantasy.
For me it´s one of the most motivating PS1-Games ever.
PS:If you are through it and still searching for a good Strategy-RPG take a look at the Arc the Lad Collection.It´s hard to find and expensive but definetly worth tthe money.