One of Squaresoft's greatest achievements...
First let me say, I have been playing this game since I was 10 years old. This game has stuck with me through out my childhood. It has kept me within its grasp as my all time favorites. My 100+ hours of playing this game is a small testament to what this game has given back. The replay value is so high, I strongly advise you to play through it all after you have completed it. I'm glad I managed to get this game at such a young age, as I cherish this game more so then anything in this world (apart from my family, and loved ones). This game will blow your mind away once you immerse your self into the story line, you will get a clear sense of what I am talking about.
Down to the full review. This game has one of the most original story lines to it. It has all the sense of a Shakespeare piece, but is able to reach out to even those who distaste literature. The many emotions of betrayal, friendship, love, honor, and passion, emits from the story, makes you feel even more indulged to get more out of it. Taking the role of a hero that is willing to meet his end, front on, saving that of which he truly loves, and cherish, and fighting the forces of humanity's greatest enemy, they them self.
Its a fight not only of that swords and shields, but politics, and feelings. It tampers into your sympathy, as well as you passion. Creativity also plays a major role, as you can mascaraed the most decisive tactics you can conjure up.
You are not restricted of that by the main character to be the hero of the game, but your ability to adopt, and recruit different companions and team mates into your band is the true mission that should be sent clearly across. Although, in the end, the story comes to a grinding halt. Tragedy, is only to be forgotten, and a tragic ending for a honorable hero.
Squaresoft manged to make this one of a kind game with an innovating 4D game. One of the first games to put 'Time' as part of the gameplay. Its graphics for its time was up-to-date, and is still tolerable to the modern gamers that want "realistic CG". This RPG/RTS titles will go down in history as one of the greatest masterpieces ever to have set foot upon this earth. And that is no understatement.
Thank you squaresoft for this mind blowing game, and thanks for reading this review.
- Opi