Final Fantasy Tactics is indeed one of the best 4 Final Fantasy Games overall others being Final Fantasy7, Final Fantasy8, and Final FantasyX. Tactics is special also because it has what you would call AWESOMENESS. The battle system like in Final FantasyX, but you have a map to go around on... sorta like playing chess, but actual Final Fantasy action. The Job system has this neat glitch, but... only a certain amount of jobs can do it. But, what better way than to actually work for your goods? That's a good reason for random battles... also, in random battles, you don't have to have the main character in. But how you play is up to you. It's a great game to play.
Other Helpful Reviews for Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books)
Final Fantasy Tactics was the first SRPG I ever completed not long after it originally came out. And today it still stands as the best SRPG I ever played. Being as it had been such a long time since I first played it I... Read Full Review
Final Fantasy Tactics is Squaresoft first departure from the main Final Fantasy series in some time. It came out on the heels of one of the best main series games, if not the best, Final Fantasy VII, which may have been ... Read Full Review