One of the best Final Fantasy games one the PS1

User Rating: 9 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
I never got a chance to play this game when it originally came out as Square never released it in Europe for some strange reason (even though the mainstream FF's sold million). That's a real shame is this is a great game worthy of the Final Fantasy Name. The visuals were great for the PS1 and had a great soundtrack just like every other FF.

The game plays very differently to normel FF's as its more like a strategy game. Battles take place in a big battlefiled and you have around 5 characters fighting at a time, basically you can move them around in turns and issue commands suck as attack and magic. These battles can take a long time to finish and some of the later missions are quite difficult too.

The story is the best part of the game, I don't won't to spoil it to anyone so I'll let you experiance that on your own.

Anyway this is a great game that is defintly worth playing, wheater your a fan of the FF series or not.