Fun but frustrating...Yes addicting but boring!
This game is without question hard at times and there's a lot of that wandering around aimlessly hoping to fight weak enemies to level up so you become "1337 P0WN4G3", mainly due to the fact the the story line enemies don't level up and have low amounts of health but somehow insanely god modded attacks that one hit you. Now if you have a buddy with the game as well you can cooperatively kill stuff on AD-HOC not internet AD-HOC, I've seen this problem with a lot of games sadly... 1. you both need to hit the button on the exact same millisecond to connect with each other and the fact that its confusing to even get that far at times,2. you have to pay half your funds to have fun beating the **** out of your buddy, and 3rd people really only buy games that they don't have to go outside and find somebody to play with...
All and all the game has great graphics for the videos (remember were on a psp and not a nex gen here), the corny little characters are amusing to hear die with their bad voice acted screams, and the special effects for spells like Titan can and will blind or induce seizures for those foolish enough to watch. this game also requires tons of thought mainly A. do i have a hieght advatage B.does he have a shield that will block and if so how will i get behind him to increase chances of hitting C. will this spell be effective against a fire monster, so on and so forth.... Again people don't usually buy games to think but instead rot their brains with the excepting of turn based and real time strategy gamers.