Decade old classic goes portable

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou PSP
In 1997 an extremely popular game hit the streets. The name of the game was FF7. Amazing game in it's own right but another game came out as well that year. Final Fantasy tactics was over shadowed by the colossal that was FF7 but to me they are both equally amazing. This remake is flat out amazing. If I combine the original tactics with the portable one I have clocked in a 100 hours easily. People complain about the lag that happens ever so often but when your dealing with a game this addictive and fun who cares about such a minor thing. I can't believe gamespot took points away for difficulty!! The difficulty makes the game even better since its not a game you get bored with or finish 2 quickly. Then with all the job combinations the replay value is extremely high.

The update brings new cut scenes that fit pretty awesome with the game and add a new layer of life to the game. The graphics are actually really good, I wouldnt want them any other way. The music though is incredible! I got so excited hearing the intro music again. The PSP version also adds balthier (remember him? Think of FF12) as a character and two new jobs. The story is easier to understand and it's a pretty good one as well. It's great that us gamers get to relive this incredible journey again and also awesome that a whole new batch of gamers will discover how amazing it is as well. I hope you guys have as much fun as I have witht his gun.