When I first played FF: Tactics 10 years ago, it was a wonderful shock. I loved the Final Fantasy series even back then and FF:Tactics was another great game in the series. This new edition enhances the experience even farther with new cutscenes, new jobs, and some extra gameplay elements. The new cutscenes in the game look fantastic and they really enhance the game compared to the original version. The biggest complaint with FF:Tactics might be that it's too hard for many people. It could be hard for someone that knows nothing about SRPGs but for people that do, it's really an easy game. The biggest thing that you have to get used to is leveling your characters for hours at a time. However, this process is also pretty fun when you're leveling your characters meeting criterias for the eventual jobs you want them to have and mastering all the skills for those jobs. This time through, I leveled way too much in the beginning of the game that the whole game was too easy. I don't recommend leveling too much early on but there will be times when you fell like you need to power level your characters a little. Even after 10 years since the original game was released, I have yet to see a better strategy game. If you have any interest in SRPGs or own a PSP, you have to pick this game up.
Other Helpful Reviews for Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou
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