Shining Force + Crack = Final Fantasy Tactics :)

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy Tactics (PSOne Books) PS
This is the best game I've ever played; and I've played alot. I started with the NES then onto the SNES/Genesis. In my opinion, the SNES and Genesis had THE best Strategy/RPG games. That is, until Final Fantasy Tactics. If you're looking for a game that you can inject your personality and intentions into, this is your game. There are soo many customizeable aspects of this game, that I'm not even going to attempt to list all of them. You start out as either a squire or chemist and just build from there. Think of a tree, flip it upside down, and you have the Final Fantasy Tactics class system. On top of the 20+ different classes, you have HUNDREDS of abilities and spells, not to mention special classes/abilities/ and characters. The number of items is almost limitless and you are given the ability to explore a great deal. Hit up random battles to boost your characters before big boss battles and even train some monsters (including chocobos and dragons) to fight in battle with you. This is THE BEST strategy game ever created!