I surely love the Final Fantasy series and this remake was the best i have seen. A great play.

User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou PSP
I can't say i loved it when i first played it on my PSP due to the fact I've love it since I played it on the PS. It was worth the wait. To finally hear what Ramza Beoulve sounded like. We also learned how to say his name. Delita Heiral is still as amazing as always with his heartless words. There are still the classic Chars like Mustadio Bunansa, Agrias Oaks, Rapha Galthena, Cidolfus Orlandeau (aka Thunder god Cid, or TG CId), Meliadoul Tengille, Alma Beoulve, Goffard Gaffgarion, Orran Durai, Ovelia Atkascha. There many others but you could just Google them or ask me i'll tell you them. Don't forget there are still the new Chars to the PSP version alone. Balthier a hero of ours from FF12, and Luso from the new FFTA2 (Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 2). The Class are the same, Some of them are renamed, but the new onion Knights, and Dark Knights are really fun if you know want to do. But remember it will probably take you a good 10 hours just to do all the things to get your dark Knight. Now the cut scenes were what made this all the better. Sadly no one has a nose. the new multi player fights were on of the best things they brought to us. Oh the sweet times beating on those lvl one newbies. Good times. At least the fixed the bolt, fire, and ice attacks from the original. sadly again they took out the times when your Summoner would summon moogle but say more. Fare loss if you ask me. But in the over all long run this game is a must buy that can't be beat, and deserves to be in the ranks of Final Fantasy collection. You will love the game and all 50 some odd hours you spend playing just to be better than your Brother. And don't forget to check with gamespot on how to unlock the new chars, and side-missions. A must do to any Veteran players that truly love watching Ramza beat people with what looks to be a stick... oh wait thats his sword.