One of the best Final Fantasy games ever made-tactics and magic at their best!

User Rating: 9.5 | Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou PSP
Final Fantasy Tactics is worth playing, no matter what system you play it on. I've logged I don't know how many hours on the PS1 version and accomplished pretty much all there is to accomplish in the game. That being said, I still love playing it on PSP as well. Now with some updated graphics, new quests and effects, not to mention the beautiful FMV sequences, this is a must-own title for PSP.
The art style in this game is what does it for me the most I think. It just looks really amazing, like it's hand drawn or water color or something, it's worth looking at. Also, this was my first foray into tactical RPGs, so it holds a special place in my game-list.
Music and story are definitely of the caliber you would expect from the Final Fantasy series. I know it's not a "numbered" one in the series, but the stories don't/aren't supposed to overlap anyways. All in all this game has a lot to discover, a novel way of playing, tons of customization with character job classes and mixing and matching thereof. Oh and Cloud is unlockable, which is kinda neat too.