Finally a Final Fantasy title meant to be played in short bursts.
FFV seems to have much longer in game events than prior Final Fantasy GBA titles. I found myself reading a lot of text sometimes to get very little information. The final cut scene seemed to take forever to finish. The story while not as good as FFIV is still great, although the characters are less archetypal heroes and more just random people thrown together. One thing that stood out for me in this version was the graphics. This could be on account that I was playing them on my TV using my Gamecube but all the colors seemed much more vibrant than they did in FFIV. FFV's bonus dungeon is just what we've ccme to expect from these GBA Final Fantasy titles. I found that you will really need a guide of some sort when navigating the job system it is confusing which abilities come from which job. Instruction manual is not needed.
Final Fantasy V is a solid purchase for a solid system.