This game set the bar for RPG's
User Rating: 10 | Final Fantasy VI SNES
This is and always will be, my favorite game of all time. My parents wouldn't buy this one for me when it first came out and my birthday was so far away, so I rented this one from Blockbuster. In that weekend, I was able to get through the game until the party splits into 3 groups. I was hooked from that very moment. Finally I got the game for my birthday and I quickly beat the game. At the time, it had the best graphics the SNES could offer. The story was deeper than any game I had ever played. There are hidden characters, hidden weapons, an auction house to help build up your arsenal, hidden espers, amazing character depth. The game has everything you need to keep coming back and playing it over and over. It can even keep your interest long enough to level everyone to 100 and teach them every spell. What a great game!